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Exciting times in the beauty-tech realm!

Ancorotti Cosmetics
on December 7, 2023

Exciting times in the beauty-tech realm!
When cosmetics meet IT, new paradigms take center stage

Discover how Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence are revolutionizing the beauty game. From hyper-personalized, adaptive products to immersive digital-driven shopping experiences, our industry is undergoing a tech-driven makeover.

Beyond enhancing the B2C experience, this shift is reverberating upstream in the supply chain. Manufacturers are now navigating new challenges, demanding agility in response to this ever-evolving landscape.

Our CEO Roberto Bottino recently sat down for an insightful interview featured in the December issue of Kosmetica Tecniche Nuove Spa. Joining him were industry top names Benedetta Suardi from KIKO and Malvina Cova from Deborah Group, as well as digital marketing maestro Enrico GIUBERTONI.